And don't worry, sleeping in 'til 5:30 turned out to be a luxury on this trip! Ha! But it was seriously worth it. We woke up and drove another hour to the trailhead of Havasupai and hiked down for the next 6 or 7ish hours! By the end of the day we all had wet towels or t-shirts wrapped around our heads to keep us cool. Luckily we had mules carrying our equipment down or I might have passed out!
Naaaature! Goo-lay!
Jeff boosting off a big one!
Havasu Falls
Day 2 was spent climbing down cliffs, through tunnels and chains, hiking in the river, jumping off waterfalls, and swinging on rope swings. Good times, great oldies.
Shayne. Our fearless leader and amazing chef. Who gets gourmet and organic hiking? Oh yeah, us.
On our way out after waking up a 3:30 a.m. The Best Western never looked so good!