Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rozzi's 3 Month Update

Rozzi is 3 months old today. That's 1/4 of a year already. Here's her stats:
-At her 2 month appointment she was 10 lbs and 23.5 inches. So I'm guessing she's around 12 lbs by now. Chunkster.
-Her favorite color is pink, I think.
-She loooooves the tub and can swim like a frog.
-Her nicknames are: Boogaloo, chicken kicker, nug bug, snugster, papparozzi, rasta rozzi....
-Her eyes are blue....or sometimes greenish....or maybe just grey.... I don't know.
-I dare her to stay awake in the car, swing, or stroller. Betcha can't.
-Her favorite food is her hand.
-She can say hi. She can.
-I'm pretty sure she's right handed. Her loss.
-She haaaates the booger sucker and dad picking her nose with a Qtip.
-I think she's starting to fake cry.
-She has to sleep with crickets and frogs chirping all night. I like it too. Sounds like we're camping.
-She has the typical baby mullet that I want to shave off.
-She has super long eyelashes and poor little goopy eye.
-Her favorite band is the Black Eyed Peas.
-She is the


Court and Tim said...

I'm so in love!

Laura Howard said...

Don't forget she makes cute little piggy noises. That's my favorite.

Alicia said...

awww sweet little nugget!! you forgot to add that courtney and alicia are her favorite aunts! lol....

Jessica said...

She's adorable :-)

Jocelyn had the goopy eye. It went away like the day before she turned 1.

j,d and little b said...

awww what a cutie!!