Friday, October 3, 2008


I was tagged by Brooke so here's what I have to do: take pictures of certain things exactly as they are at that moment without straightening up or changing anything. Luckily I cleaned the whole house the day before I got tagged....seriously.

1. Kitchen Sink

2. Toilet
Don't worry it was clogged last weekend for like 2 days. I had to use random public bathrooms until Jeff finally fixed it.

3. Laundry Room

4. Fridge
This is after going grocery shopping. I always wonder how I spend so much and my fridge still looks empty when I get home.

5. What is your spouse/kids doing right now?
The usual

6. Favorite Shoes
I'm not very good at shoes, I usually just wear flip flops. But I just got those furry Roxy shoes and am waiting for it to get cold so I can wear them.

7. Favorite Room
There's pictures of it in my earlier blog. It's the only room in my house that is decorated and has furniture.

8. Dream Vacation
I could get carried away here, so these are a few on the top of my long list....



Machu Picchu

9. Closet
This is a little out of control. I have to have things in order by color and the hangers all have to be in the same direction. And only white hangers, I hate if a metal hanger sneaks in there. I throw them away! I know, it's sad.

10. Self Portrait
This was back when I had long hair . . . don't ask.

Now I tag: Laura, Cheryl, Katie, Heather Norton, and Heather Steadman


Jessica said...

You are so funny about the closet thing. Sounds like my husband. If you go to Greece give me a call cause I want to go so bad!

Brooke said...

You are so dang organized! i love the picture of Jeff in the fridge! A vacation is much needed...soon!