Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The one and only

So I know I should be writing in a pregnancy journal and documenting my belly growth and all that good stuff, but I haven't really gotten around to it. I've thought about it a lot....and now I'm eight months pregnant. So here's the one belly picture I managed to take (which is super awkward looking but whatever):

P.S. this was like 2 weeks ago and I think I'm about 2 feet bigger now!


Jessica said...

What the frick? Are you sure you're preg?????????????? You are TINY!!! Just a very jealous, huge pregnant woman talking(writing).

j,d and little b said...

yea I think I looked like that when I was five months pregnant... u suck

Alicia said...

eliza you're HUGE!!! just kidding, you look gorgeous...and you still weigh less than me :)

Briana said...

I was that big when I was 4 months pregnant! not fair.